This page features my current research projects as well as my published works
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Labor productivity growth effects of structural reforms: evidence from developing countries (2024), Journal of Productivity Analysis, 1-32.
International monetary fund conditionality and structural reforms: Evidence from developing countries (2024), joint with Ablam Estel APETI, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 1-48.
Impact of uncertainty on economic growth: The role of pro-market institutions in developing countries (2024), Kyklos, 1-42.
Distributional Effects of Structural Reforms in Developing Economies: Evidence from financial liberalization (2023), Open Economies Review, 1-34.
Microfinance et pauvreté : évidence empirique pour les quartiers périurbains de Lomé, Togo (2022), joint with LARE,Amandine; LESSOUA, Albert; DIAW, Dadie; BOUTABBA, Amine Revue d’économie du développement, 2021/3 Vol. 29, pp. 79-116.
Impact des mini réseaux d’Adduction d’Eau Potable sur les conditions de vie des ménages ruraux au Niger (2023),joint with LARE, Amandine; KONE, Noukignon Revue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2021/4 Octobre, pp. 593-626.
Papers under review
Growth Effects of Public–Private Partnerships: Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries, joint with Isaac AMEDANOU
Pro-market economic reforms and resource curse: do initial condition matter?, joint with Isaac AMEDANOU
Effects of fiscal rules: Evidence of capital flows restrictions.
Unemployment Impact of Product and Labor Market Reforms: Evidence from Selected African Countries, joint with Isaac AMEDANOU
Improved Seeds and Motorized Tillage: An Integrated Approach to Maximizing Agricultural Productivity in Burkina Faso, joint with Amandine LARE and Amine BOUTABBA
Productivité agricole et genre au Burkina Faso, joint with Amandine LARE and Amine BOUTABBA
Work in progress
How does labour market institutions affect income inequality in emerging and low income countries? Drawing lessons from experience
Financial Reforms and Size of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from developing countries, joint with Ablam Estel APETI and Votsoma DJEKNA